Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Scientific Facts in the Bible

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As a young man, Ray Comfort was an avowed atheist. He thought the Bible was a book of myths and going to church was an insult to his intellect. But through the loving witness of a surfer friend who shared the simple Gospel, Ray’s defenses were slowly dismantled. Critical to Ray’s conversion was helping him understand that the Bible was scientifically accurate. After evaluating the evidence for Christianity, Ray surrendered his life to Jesus in 1979. (Click here to watch one of Ray's videos)  

Ray is now the president of Living Waters Ministries, the author of several books including The Evidence Bible and has made hundreds of YouTube videos of his street evangelism. He notes that the Bible is full of prescience—that is, scientific statements made by Scripture that far exceed the general knowledge of the time. In other words, these scientific truths would not be confirmed for hundreds of years, showing that when the Biblical authors wrote they must have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. Here are just a few examples:

Image result for ray comfort
Ray Comfort

Earth’s free float in space - Job 26:7 (written 3,500 years ago): “He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing.” Many ancient people thought that the earth sat on a large animal. Yet, way before space travel, the Bible proclaims that the earth sits in space.

A round earth - Isaiah 40:22 (written 2,800 years ago): “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth.” Though it once was commonly believed the earth was flat, it was the Scriptures that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world. He wrote: “It was the Lord who put it into my mind…There is no question the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because He comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from the Holy Scriptures…”

The Mississippi River dumps over six million gallons of water per second into the Gulf of Mexico. Where does all that water go? That’s just one of thousands of rivers. The answer lies in the hydrologic cycle—something not fully understood until the 17th century, but so well brought out in the Bible. Ecclesiastes 1:7 says, “All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place from which the rivers come, there they return again.”

Did you know the science of oceanography began with one man’s Bible study? Psalm 8:8 declares, “…and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.” Matthew Maury (1806–1873), considered the father of oceanography, noticed the expression “paths of the sea” in Psalm 8. Maury took God at His word and went looking for these paths, and his vital book on oceanography is still in print today. Man discovered the existence of ocean currents in the 1850s, but the Bible declared the science of oceanography 2,800 years ago.

Leviticus 12:3 commanded the Jews to circumcise their baby boys eight days after birth. Medical science has only recently discovered that blood clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on that day. That’s when the coagulating factors in the blood are at optimal levels: vitamin K doesn’t reach sufficient quantity until after day seven, and day eight is when prothrombin is the highest, reaching 110 percent of the normal level. Ancient Jews didn’t know this, but God did![1]

Are you convinced of the Bible’s uniqueness? Ray Comfort went from being a skeptic to a preacher, as have a host of others (Augustine, C.S. Lewis, Lee Strobel, The Apostle Paul). Denying the existence of God will not simply make Him go away, it merely proves that no amount of evidence will convince you. -DM    

[1] Ray Comfort, Scientific Facts in the Bible (Bellflower, CA: Living Waters, 2001).

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