Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Image result for keep calm and carry on

The day after Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, the British government established the Ministry of Information. Its mission was to generate materials to sustain the nation’s morale during World War II. One of the Ministry’s first projects was a series of three posters. Each design was similar in style and appearance, all featuring the king’s crown at the top followed by a forthright slogan in simple font.

The first sign bore this motto: YOUR COURAGE YOUR CHEERFULNESS YOUR RESOLUTION WILL BRING US VICTORY. Nearly 1 million of these signs—white letters on a blue background—were printed across the land. The second sign featured a green background with white letters proclaiming: FREEDOM IS IN PERIL DEFEND IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT. About half a million of these were printed and tacked up in bus stops, train stations, shop windows and billboards.

The MOI then designed a third poster and printed millions of them, but these were warehoused and intended for distribution only if the war fell into dire circumstances. In other words, this poster was only to be used in the case of a German invasion of British soil. The sign featured a stark white font against a red background and carried the message: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON.

Britain was spared invasion and the order was given to destroy these signs. It is believed that most of the KEEP CALM posters were reduced to a pulp at the end of the war in 1945. But, a few years ago, Stuart and Mary Manley—bookstore owners in England—bought a box of old materials at an auction. As the Manley’s sorted through the purchase, they pulled out a striking red cardboard poster with the KEEP CALM slogan printed on it.

The Manley’s didn’t recognize its significance, but they liked it so much they had it framed and hung behind the cash register of their store. Customers were strangely moved by the simple words and began asking for copies, so the Manley’s had replicas made. The slogan began appearing on mugs, T-shirts, towels and many other accessories.

As the motto spread across the country, the story behind the poster came out and the KEEP CALM message became a sensation. A simple sentence, crafted but unused by one generation during a time of peril, seems almost prophetically intended for another generation facing terrorism, economic crisis and natural calamities. The BBC has speculated that the iconic KEEP CALM sign might be the greatest motivational poster in history, for its stoic message is timeless.[1]     

The KEEP CALM posters remind me of God’s dramatic deliverance of the Israelite’s at the Red Sea. With the Red Sea before them and Pharaoh’s army bearing down on them from behind, Moses and company were trapped. They were in an impossible situation. That’s when Moses said to the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm” (EX. 14:13-14, NLT).

Image result for Exodus 14:13

Do those words reverberate with you right now? Our Enemy may invade our turf, we may have battles on every side, we may live in turbulent times, but we can fix our faith on God. We cannot solve every problem, cure every hurt, avoid every fear, but we can leave room for God.

I don’t have the answers to every dilemma, but I know the One who can make a way! If you’re in a difficult place, perhaps you need to entrust the problem to the Lord and leave it in His hands. He alone can storm the impregnable, devise the improbable and perform the impossible. He alone can bring you to it, and bring you through it! -DM  

[1] David Jeremiah, “Keep Calm and Carry On,” Turning Points, May 2013, p. 6-9. 

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