did not spring forth from the precepts of the Koran, but the Bible. There were
no Hindus who signed the Declaration of Independence. When the Founding Fathers
wrote in their journals they didn’t quote from Buddha, but from Jesus. Despite what the liberal, revisionists
historians would have us believe, there is no doubt that America was born out
of a Christian worldview. If you don’t believe that then all you have to do is
read what our Founding Fathers believed.
Washington set the tone as our first president declaring, “It is impossible to
rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”[1] In
1891 scholars uncovered a twenty-four page manuscript in Washington’s
handwriting which he entitled, “Daily Sacrifices.” They were a collection of
prayers that he either authored or copied. One of them read: “O most glorious
God, in Jesus Christ my merciful and loving savior, I acknowledge and confess
my guilt, in the weak and imperfect performance of the duties of this day. I
have called on thee for pardon and forgiveness of sins.”[2] Don’t
you wish your president prayed like that?
Washington was inaugurated as president in 1789 in NYC, he got down on his
hands and knees and kissed the Bible. Then he led the Senate and the House of
Representatives to an Episcopal church for a two-hour prayer service. If that happened
today it would be enough to send the ACLU into apoplexy.[3]
of the greatest prayers recorded in the Bible is offered by the statesman and
prophet Daniel, who lived during a particularly disastrous time in Israel’s
history known as the diaspora.
the city that Daniel remembered fondly as a boy, had been plundered and the
Temple ransacked by the marauding armies of Babylon. Daniel spent most of his
life living as an exile in Babylon. Daniel understood that his people were
being punished by God for their years of sin and blatant disregard for His
Word. In Daniel 9:1-19 we find this man of God on his knees crying out for his
prayer is a good pattern for us as we turn our attention on May 4th to The
National Day of Prayer, in which we will pray for a spiritual awakening in the
United States. If you are like me, then you are concerned with the direction of
our country and you see that we desperately need God’s people crying out for
His conviction, mercy and wisdom. Let’s use Daniel’s prayer as a model to form
a simple acrostic that will help guide our hearts on May 4th.
to P.R.A.Y. for our nation . . .
Praise – Thank God
for all His many blessings on this nation and the freedoms we enjoy. “O Lord,
the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who
love him and keep his commandments” (Dan. 9:4).
Repent – Confess
your sins and ask God to reveal anything unpleasing to Him in your life. Cry
out for the sins of this nation. “We
have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from
your commandments and rules” (Dan. 9:5).
Ask – Request that
God would reveal His truth, turn our hearts back to Him and bring healing. “We
have refused to seek mercy from the Lord our God by turning from our sins and
recognizing his truth” (Dan. 9:13).
Yield – Submit to
the Lord and know that He will answer our prayer according to His perfect and
sovereign will. “O my God, incline your ear and hear . . . For we do not
present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your
great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act”
(Dan. 9:17-18).
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