Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Asking for Coins, Receiving Christ

The great preacher Adrian Rodgers once told of his first attempt as a young man to lead someone to Jesus.  Adrian was still a new Christian, and went into town to get some gas. Because Adrian had been at the beach that day he was shirtless and shoeless. That’s when a homeless man asked him for a handout.

“I’m sorry sir, I don’t have any money,” he told the disheveled man. As Adrian walked away, the Lord spoke to his heart saying, “I want you to tell that old man about Jesus.” But Adrian thought, “Lord, I'm young in the faith; I don't even have a Bible with me; I don't have on a shirt or shoes.” But the Lord continued to impress upon Adrian to witness to the man.

So, he turned toward the man, and said, “I don't have any money or even a Bible, but I'd like to share a word with you about Jesus.” Amazingly, that’s when the vagabond pulled out a New Testament and said, “Somebody gave me this the other day. Will it help?”

Adrian turned to John 3:16, and told the man how he could believe in Jesus and be saved. The man responded by saying “Yes” to Jesus, and they knelt right there on the street and prayed. As Adrian started to leave, the man, with tears in his eyes, said, “Son, I've been all over these United States; and you're the only person who ever told me about Jesus.”

Peter and John were in a similar situation one day when walking through the Jerusalem Temple complex they came upon a lame man who was begging for alms. These penniless preachers had no coins in their pockets to give the man, but even so they were not empty handed. According to Dr. Luke here is what transpired:

“But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God” (Acts 3:6-8).

Just like the story that Adrian Rogers told, both beggars asked for something insignificant—a few coins—yet because of a divine appointment with one of God’s obedient servants, they received something of incalculable worth. We may not be able to perform healing miracles, but we can give the people that God traffics in-and-out of our lives the Gospel of Christ.

Chances are at some point this year you’ll come across someone with a hand out. What will you do? Will you ignore them? Will you give them a few dollars and send them on their way? Will you make up an excuse like, “I’m just too busy.” Or will you listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit?

As we meet the physical needs of the hurting, let’s not forget their spiritual needs are more important. Here is a bold prayer for you to consider, “Lord, bring someone into my life that I can help and create an opportunity for me to tell them about the Gospel. And Lord, make me receptive to Your leading and give me the words to say when that time comes.”  -DM  

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